Did you know the average American has more than 300,000 items in their home? That’s a lot of stuff! There’s no wonder that the average size of the typical American home has tripled in recent years. With attics and traditional garages teeming to the brim with a surplus of hand-me-downs and Christmas decorations, millions of Americans are resorting to storage units. But these offsite lockers can be costly. Take back financial control of your storage needs by investing in a large residential metal garage.

With the average offsite storage fees hovering near $100 a month, many Americans are looking for long-term storage options that can meet their growing needs for years to come. Instead of dishing out money to local storage owners, who often trick customers into signing up with an initial promotional fee, reinvest in your residential needs. Recently, Duane M. of Chesnee, South Carolina decided that bigger is truly better. By working closely with our experienced building advisors and engineers, Duane designed a custom 30′ x 81′ x 14′ residential metal garage. As you can tell by the pics, this building is truly massive and is just as impressive inside as it is out.
Superior hat channel bracketing provides superior strength and durability

Hat channel brackets provide superior strength by allowing installers to use extra vertical paneling. As you might have guessed, vertical siding is stronger than horizontal pieces, which require less support bracketing. While you’ll pay a little more for vertical siding today, you will reap the benefits in the long-run as they provide added support against wind winds and chaotic weather. With larger buildings such as this commercial-sized garage, vertical siding is a must. Duane must be dabbling in some heavy duty projects because this clever builder opted for a large 14′ x 14′ garage door (front and back). He will have plenty of headway for moving in tractors, combines or even a small passenger plane to and from his residential garage! Extra internal brackets will also simply shelving installation and streamlining inventory. While you could easily install electrical components to any of our steel buildings, Duane for six custom primed steel windows to allow for extra natural lighting. Think of the savings on his electric bill!
Certified residential garages to fulfill your needs

Our engineers work closely with our building advisors to ensure each building receives wind and snow load certifications that meets the building requirements of each customer’s respective town. For Duane’s building, he needed wind certifications up to 130 miles per hour and snow loads of 25 PSF. Even Category 5 hurricanes or blizzards would have a tough time even putting a dent in this mammoth residential metal garage. We can install on any flat surface, but we wholeheartedly recommend installing on concrete for larger structures. Failure to install on a flat surface can result in doors not becoming flush with the ground.