Metal building site prep is a preliminary yet crucial installation stage. Improper site prep precludes seamless, safe, and sturdy installation. Although determining the correct location is a common afterthought, diligent and thoughtful property research is conducive to protection for decades. While building location isn’t necessarily permanent, most customers select anchoring options, making it impossible to move the building following installation. 

What is Building Site Prep?

Building site prep is selecting the best garage location. Each metal building should be placed away from powerlines, trees, and narrow residential corridors. We recommend installing a metal building within a short distance of a residence or nearby building with enough egress for walking and transporting items between structures. Although exemptions exist, level ground is best for sound installation. Prospective customers should also clear all debris and equipment from the project site. 

Which Foundation is Best?

Although installers can build metal garages on any flat surface, we recommend a concrete or graveled pad. Installing a metal building on uneven ground results in uneven load distribution, increasing structural collapse rates not covered by warranty for unadvised installation. Uneven construction can also impact wind and snow loads. Although Steel Building Garages doesn’t offer foundation work, many customers partner with a local contractor before building kit arrival. 

Considering Long-Term Aesthetics 

While level site prep is crucial, other factors need consideration. Future property additions should complement existing infrastructure. Envision property configurations for subsequent, long-term installations. Although metal garages can increase property values, prospective residential owners should consider potential relocations before installation commitment. Consult with your town’s zoning board before the garage designation location. While building variances exist for residential construction, certain regulations could preclude prospective building prep sites. Property owners should also contact local utilities to determine potential gas and powerline encroachments impeding construction. Contact us today for a free consultation. Our knowledgeable engineers can provide preliminary installation guidelines.