When we think about severe weather or natural disasters, we rarely think about fluffy, white snow in the same context. But in reality, snow, especially a bunch of it, can render even more damage than a hurricane.
As school children, we eagerly awaited its arrival and dashed outside the first opportunity we had. Our inner-child still exudes a little excitement when snow is spotted in the forecast, but our exuberance has definitely faded into adulthood.
Steel Building Garages let’s you enjoy winter weather without fear of destruction

Snow is now considered an impediment to our daily lives. It delays the workday – sorry kids, enjoy the snow days while they last – and generally makes life a lot harder than it should be. Sudden bursts of winter weather and snowsqualls can also make travel treacherous, if not dangerous.
Aside from travel delays, snow has another insidious quality that can also affect our lives: snow has the power to destroy our property and possessions. If allowed to accumulate unchecked on your garage or carport, it can cause these structures to buckle and break under the immense pressure, shattering your car, boat or RV!
Steel protection forged by fire to thaw winter’s grip
Steel carports and garages can be a godsend in snow prone areas, but if you are not asking the right questions at the right time, you could still wind up with an inferior product that fails to protect your valuables.
While it is true that steel carports and garages offer more protection than standard attached garages and wooden shelters, they are not all made the same. Some garages are made to withstand heavier loads of snow than base model products. If you live n more snow prone areas, you will want to invest in stronger gauge of metal that can handle huge loads of snows for days or even weeks at a time.

Let Steel Building Garages carry the load!
With a garage from Steel Building Garages, you will never have to worry about being left out in the cold. Even the smallest of metal shelters come with enough steel protection to hold-off 25 per square feet of snow and 130 mile per hour winds. For areas that see more annual snowfall, we recommend a certified structure that can take the full force of 145 per square feet snow loads and wind speeds as high as 145 miles per hour.
Arch buildings offer superior engineering and protection

When it comes to structural integrity, you simply can’t beat a arch. The Romans learned this thousands of years ago and modern engineering has solidified it as the superior metal building. We also offer the best pre-fabricated steel arch buildings on the market. With decades of proven protection, we stand by this product like no other.