Words don’t always do a project justice. Sometimes, you just have to see a work in progress unfold before your eyes to truly appreciate quality steel engineering. Thanks to a time-lapse video, we have perfectly captured such a feat.
You can watch the complete build in the video above. With ample sunshine, our install crew quickly assembled this 30 x 41 steel beauty in less than a work week.
Quality installation reflects superb engineering
At Steel Building Garages, we don’t take shortcuts. We want our buildings to last a lifetime and we know our reputation depends on a quality installation. As you can tell from the video above, we have a skilled and knowledgeable install crew that attends to every single aspect of the project. Even after the project is complete, you can see our guys meticulously sprucing up the project site so that this building truly shines.
Make your custom dream a reality!
Like what you see in the video? Wouldn’t you like a similar success story? In just a matter of a few days, you can have a new addition to your home that will be the talk of the entire neighborhood for weeks to come!
We’re of course talking about custom order from Steel Building Garages. With just a few turns of a screwdriver from a handful of the industry’s most dedicated workforce, you can see the topography of your entire backyard transformed almost overnight.

Starting from scratch with the best materials available
Anything done right requires a lot of sweat and effort. The steel integrity of our buildings is only as good as the workers piecing them together. To help you truly understand the quality installation of any project we take on, we will run down the basics of the time lapsed video.
A superb looking building from any vantage point!
The most recent installations was documented from a bird’s eye view with the help of a drone camera. Following the installation of the owner’s concrete foundation, our road crew went to work with the skeletal metal frame of this gargantuan garage before focusing on internal bracing and siding.
By the second day of the install project, crews were ready to begin install the vertical roof panels. As any property owner will attest, vertical panels are far stronger and superior to their horizontal counterparts, thank in part to hat channeling, which acts as a form of internal bracing.

By the third day of installation, crews were in the process of putting the finishing touches on this evergreen colored metal building. We have to applaud the aesthetically pleasing color scheme as it blends in well with the surrounding tree-line.
Buildings for all your needs
We’ve more than made our mark on the steel building market. We are known for building bigger and better garages at an affordable price. The unit featured above is proof of our steel superiority. Measuring 30 x 41 x 12, this quickly, but deftly assembled building can hold multiple vehicles of all various heights.
Customize your order to fit your needs
Like with any customized order, our buildings are can outfitted with just about as many doors and windows as you want. We can also throw in a walk-in door for greater ease of access. This featured unit showcases two garage doors, two walk-in doors and three windows. To prevent deterioration due to an excessive build-up of moisture, this garage is also insulated with vapor barrier insulation.
Metal buildings of all shapes and sizes
Everyone is different. Every potential customer has a unique set of storage needs. Because of this, we offer buildings of all shapes and sizes. Take some time to visit us online to see what we have in store for you!