In the world of business, a strong recommendation means everything. Quality referrals are the backbone of a solvent and experienced organization that is ready to leave its mark on the world. If your product and services are not up to par, you can guarantee that your reputation will remain forever tarnished. While a few words of praise may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, a negative review can have a ripple effect that will be felt from the warehouse to the customer support desk at your regional office. Social media and technology have underscored this very important message. Recently, a satisfied customer decided to share his experience with our followers on Facebook.
“I did lots of research and did my due diligence when finding a Steel Building Manufacturing Company. I also visited the distribution center and main office in Boone, N.C. I set up an appointment on Saturday with Allan Hawkins to discuss the product and negotiate a fair price. My nephew was also interested in a building and attended the meeting. We both decided to purchase buildings. Mine is 20’ x 20’ and my nephew’s is 30’ x 40’. The crews worked very well and seeing that I’m a construction manager, they performed great. I’m very satisfied.” -Douglas W.
Our reputation rests on our commitment to excellence in customer service

Douglas’s experience is not uncommon. Our recommendations and referrals have increased exponentially in recent months. What’s our secret you might ask? We value each order for its uniqueness, as well as our commitment to quality assurance. Each individual order requires keen insights from an experienced building advisor, who is able to make astute recommendations based on each customer’s needs. No two orders are alike, so we must treat the nuances of building with foresight in planning and execution. For example, we would recommend vertical siding for superior protection in snow prone areas. A customer in a warmer southern state, on the other hand, might not need the same level of protection. If we oversell him on his needs, he might be weary of recommending us to a friend or family member.
Decades of experience results in masterfully built carports and garages
Word are mouth referrals are crucial to customer retention and referrals. If a customer is truly satisfied with the end result or product, he will likely tell a friend who might research and contact the company. The strong words of encouragement from a friend will instill within him a feeling of confidence in poise in contacting the company about a potential order because the company is already distinguished and reputable. Vetting and researching companies are particularly exhausting, so this strong recommendation or word of mouth from a friend streamlines the purchasing experience. At Steel Building Garages, we value the sacred bond between customers and strong referrals, but we also recognize that these ‘good reviews’ are nothing without a reliable product. We stand behind our steel metal buildings with more than 30 years of experience engineering and designing custom pre-fabricated buildings. Each steel building garage or carport is made from superior heavy gauges of metal that are up to the task or protecting whatever Mother Nature or civil threats throw your way. You can rest assured knowing that the building you are ordering is manufactured to fit your specific needs.